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Grace and Pavel’s Story

Published in Counselling Stories on October 13th 2021

Grace and Pavel approached Tavistock Relationships for help with their parenting.

At that time they were separated but Pavel was angry and upset because he felt Grace was preventing him seeing their two-year-old daughter, Summer. Grace and Pavel had never lived together and had only known each other a few months when Grace fell pregnant. For the first year, Pavel came to see Summer most days, and had spent a lot of time supporting Grace both financially and emotionally.

Four months before Pavel called Tavistock Relationships' “Parenting Together” service, his new girlfriend Gina had moved into his house and he and Grace began to have some difficulties about his relationship with Summer. Grace was anxious about Summer getting to know Gina and felt upset that Pavel was now busy with his new life. The parents had eight sessions of Parenting Together therapy with two counsellors. Both of them started feeling very angry and upset, but the therapists encouraged them to think more about Summer and how their disagreements were affecting her. Gradually through the sessions, both parents came to see each other’s point of view. Grace acknowledged that Pavel’s new relationship had felt like a threat but Pavel was able to reassure Grace that he was still committed to being Summer’s father and supporting her.

Gradually through the sessions, both parents came to see each other’s point of view.

When they ended after eight sessions, the therapists reminded them that they could come back for more help in the future if they needed.

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